Thursday, November 3, 2011

A hint of color.

While trying to scare the grey squirrels off of my bird feeders I noticed a male cardinal and it made me smile. This is an image I originally drew for some cards I gave to my mother-in-law. It can make a beautiful and simple card. For the main portion of the card I stamped I-170-HK in our black ink and then colored it in with Tombow Watercolor markers. Remember to always use more than one color, for example, I used a yellow and a light orange on the cardinals beak and I used green and blue one the pine boughs. I then added the saying H-146 Season of Joy. Hint, if you have a hard time positioning the saying under the cardinal stamp it on another card, layer it and then adhere it under the cardinal. For the background of the card I stamped B-54 Cardinal and C-74 Sm. Branch in a random pattern. I then also colored them in with Tombows. I then layered everything on red card stock. What a fun and simple card to remind me of the cardinal on my bird feeders.
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  1. Awesome work on the blog, Heather! I'll be checking back often to see all of your inspiration.

  2. Beautiful card! How many reds did you use on the body of the cardinal?

  3. I used two reds....Tombow #856 and #847. It may not look like there is a huge difference in the two reds but when used together, light to dark, the red really pops!
