Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time to decorate the tree!

Tis' the season to decorate the tree. I built this tree out of one little stamp, B-75 Design Leaf #1. The tree was built in the same manner that an artificial tree. Start at the bottom and work up. First stamp the Leaf in a horizontal line 4 or 5 high. Then branch out to the sides from the bottom and work up, tilting the Leaf up to make the tree taper to a point. Think triangle. Next take a fine line pen, I like to use a Pilot Precise, to draw the wire on the tree. Then stamp the AA-21 Solid Light on the tree. The nice thing about drawing the wire first is that I don't feel like I have to have every light touching a wire. I have found when I do the lights first and then the wire the tree gets really messy. The star at the top of the tree was created using the AA-21 Solid Light as well. Why buy a separate star when you can make one out of a light? In then added the AAA-04 Dots. When you use the Dots stamp them in blue and use a light touch. When you stamp the Dots down too hard you get blue blobs. Lastly I added the AA-23 Snowflake and D-132-HK Joy. Hint: use a rainbow pad for the lights and you will have all the colors you need in one pad.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A hint of color.

While trying to scare the grey squirrels off of my bird feeders I noticed a male cardinal and it made me smile. This is an image I originally drew for some cards I gave to my mother-in-law. It can make a beautiful and simple card. For the main portion of the card I stamped I-170-HK in our black ink and then colored it in with Tombow Watercolor markers. Remember to always use more than one color, for example, I used a yellow and a light orange on the cardinals beak and I used green and blue one the pine boughs. I then added the saying H-146 Season of Joy. Hint, if you have a hard time positioning the saying under the cardinal stamp it on another card, layer it and then adhere it under the cardinal. For the background of the card I stamped B-54 Cardinal and C-74 Sm. Branch in a random pattern. I then also colored them in with Tombows. I then layered everything on red card stock. What a fun and simple card to remind me of the cardinal on my bird feeders.
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